**This was written on October 7, 2020. Updates to come**
What if I wasn’t a wife?
What if I wasn’t a mother?
What if I wasn’t a daughter, a sister, a niece?
What if I wasn’t a white person, a Christian, a woman?
What if I wasn’t…political?
I am an avid reader. I love when a book holds my attention effortlessly. Recently I discovered that this is one of the ways the angels speak to me. I’ll be reading a story about someone else’s life, or from someone else’s imagination, and something will hit me. I will have to stop reading. In the middle of reading about someone else’s tragedy or triumph, a sentence or phrase will jump out at me. First it grabs my attention, and then I can actually see the group of words lift off the page.
Recently I was reading Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle. The way she describes the inner workings of her mind is raw and refreshing. She doesn’t sugar coat anything, and it is a relief to have unembellished words on the page. As I was reading about how she was trying to process a crisis, or sifting through until only what is important is left, she says, “Unbecome until you become who you really are.” This may not seem all that significant out of context. So let me work backwards for a moment.
Recently, I received an angel message through a mentor, Angelica Grace, psychic medium and reiki master, and sister from another mister. The message she received was, “You yearn for truth, but darling, at your core you ARE TRUTH, Guide your light inward before making decisions.”
Still doesn’t seem that significant?
Remember who you are. What if you were only love?
The part of my journey I am walking right now is showing me the patterns that I have developed to survive, and even thrive, in my human experience. Patterns….how do I explain patterns? It’s our own personal operating manual. Sometimes we need to update those. I am in the process of writing the updated version of my operating manual. In trying to figure out what my truth is, in trying to look at who I am, I have to unbecome all of the labels that I have been given to define my roles in this life. When you look at what is left, after stripping away all of the roles we play, what are we? The word that came to me immediately is love. Putting that together with this angelic message…when I turn inward everything has to do with giving and receiving love.
Remember who you are. What if you were only love?