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Maria DeVenuto Kasang

The Four Most Common Mistakes When Creating Goals

A picture of a weekly planner with a pencil and a paper clip to portray making a plan.

Buying into the latest program because it’s the latest trend.

There is usually some wisdom that can be taken from any coach, mentor, or author that you come across, but that doesn’t always mean their program is going to be the right fit. Getting started with a program only because it's popular is a mistake. The process of creating goals is unique to each person. Some questions to ask yourself are…

  1. Is this program written for people like me? What does the marketing tell you? For whom does it seem to be designed?

  2. Does it seem to be geared towards people who are creating the same types of goals that I am?

  3. What are the benefits included in the program i.e. videos, a blog, tools, videos, group calls, personal calls, or other types of support?

  4. Is this program customizable?

Sticking to the plan when it’s not working.

While you want to give anything enough time to evaluate it, at some point you have to ask yourself if you would have more success in reaching your goals by adjusting something you are doing. Sticking with the plan for the sakeof the plan is a mistake. Adjust the plan for your own sake. Some things that may need to be changed are…

  1. The timeline: You may realize that your plan is going to take more or less time than you thought.

  2. Your strategy: many times once you get started, and you gather information, you find a better way to accomplish something.

  3. Your focus: Once in a while, you hit a roadblock that forces you to refocus your efforts either temporarily or permanently. 

Working beyond what is physically and mentally healthy.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been overzealous at the start and burnt myself out. This is probably the most common mistake I see, and that I used to make. When you feel yourself approaching your limits, it is imperative that you pull back and adjust. There’s no point in doing anything if your health is destroyed. Some things to consider if this happens…

Woman sitting at a computer with her hand over her face to portray overworking.

  1. Do you need to adjust the timeline to balance out your recuperation time?

  2. Do you need to ramp up? If you’re not used to working out, you may need to start out slowly, and work your way up.

  3. Do you need to enlist some help? 

Comparing themselves to others.

There’s no one else quite like you. You have a different background, natural talents, skills, and circumstances. Comparison is the thief of joy. So many things affect your journey. You may have different…

  1. Values.

  2. Responsibilities.

  3. Health and wellness needs.

  4. And so much more

These are the four most common mistakes people make when creating goals, and the solutions can be simple. Honor who you are and where you are. While we are all unique, we do tend to make similar mistakes when we start to plan our goals and resolutions. Adjust as you go. Be bold! Create your goals in alignment with your dreams. Once you get into the habit of doing that, you’ll just keep going. The journey will be more enjoyable, and you’ll learn to face challenges head on like a puzzle to solve rather than a problem to dread.

Love and Light,


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