I’m sitting in the front room in my house, embraced by the melancholia of dim sunlight, contemplating. If I look back to a year ago, I could say that I don’t recognize that person anymore, but I do. I woke up in the middle of last night, and I could feel the sensation that is becoming more familiar to me. The haze in my brain was still paralyzing my thought, and all I could see in my mind’s eye was an ethereal cloud of multicolored light. An aurora borealis of mist fogging my thoughts. In the absence of my own cognitive process, the voice of spirit was loud and clear; “this is where the old you meets the new you.” I have spent
I forgot that in order to unbecome one thing, by default, you become another.
the better part of a year trying to unbecome all of the things I was taught to be. I forgot that in order to unbecome one thing, by default, you become another. Everything in the universe can be reflected in each part of it. The smallest drop of water contains the vast oceans, the tiniest grain of sand beholds the incalculable wonders in the universe, each breath holds the spirit of all things that exist. If I am unbecoming and becoming, that means that the universe is as well. The I, the ego, convinces us that we are separate, isolated beings, floating through our lives making our decisions, and living our lives in a vacuous bubble. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thus, if I am changing, so is the universe.
I turn 43 in a couple weeks. Typically, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, or at least I’m not super dedicated to them. I make resolutions on my birthday. This year, after spending a year with the least amount of physical contact I have ever experienced in a year, I dedicate 43 to compassion. Through realizing that nothing can truly separate us, I found an intense connection with the web I belong to. The person I see in the mirror recognizes that everything is connected; we are all one with everything and everyone on this planet. All of our pain is rooted in
the idea of separateness. In dedicating my year to compassion, the thing that connects us all (Read The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden), I am becoming a part of the healing on this rock hurtling through space, and all of the other rocks in the ever expanding universe.
So what does that mean…
Someone once said, I honestly can’t figure out who, “Honesty without kindness is cruelty. Kindness without honesty is manipulation. Honesty WITH kindness is sublime.” If we think about the situations that arise in our lives, how many times have we snapped back with something that was incredibly true, but terribly unkind? How about when we have just agreed with someone about something when we knew that what they were saying was problematic, but we just wanted to avoid the uncomfortable conversation? We have all done this. How about when someone has taken the time to see us in a way that allows us to be honest with them in a way that shows love and compassion? This is the lens I’m looking through right now.
I haven’t discovered all of the answers, and I know I will be challenged to expand in order to be a more compassionate person. So I am going to start with a practice that has served me so well in the past: the Ho’oponopono. Read more about this Hawaiian meditation/prayer of making things right here.
I take responsibility.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
To myself, and to everything and everyone I am connected to through the powerful ether of compassion.
Love and Light.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the link I provided, and I am not compensated to use them. Links are provided purely for reference, and information.